Velkommen !

Welcome to my blog .
hvor du kan finde historier om min skøre oplevelser.
including my life in school
, around my family and my friends
but none for my love story)
don't forget to enter the guest book in chatt box if you visit this and do link exchange .
enjoy ..


09 January 2009


hha. drpda bosen, mndingan ngrjain pr blog
pdhl aslinya kalo ngrjain pr skolah gue super duper males
hha! pr ini dari ocha lg . thx y uda kasih gue pr

The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answer. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer. Enjoy !

The Age of my next birthday

lama sih September, mkanya gue baru ulang taun september kmrn.

a place i'd like to travel

Caerphilly! pngen bgd ksana, yah walopun tu kota tua di Wales,
gue pngen bgd travelling ksna, ke kota jadul, kn experience ny jd seru n misterius!
n lgian ni kota klahiran nya Aaron

a favourite place

my official bedroom in my home! paling peweeeee ..

a favourite food

nasi goreng!! cuma makanan ini yang bisa bkin gue ngiler ..
mkanya tiap gue k restoran yg ive nver been there before, gue psti pesen nasi gorengnya dulu .. baru gue tau kalo restonya itu bagus! hha .

a favourite thing

komputer! w/out it, i dunno what'd happen to my life. it'd be shadow and sorrow. hha .

a favourite colour

it's black! warna hitam itu kren, palagi klo dicampur merah!!

a city (where) i was born

my beloved Jakarta

a city that u have ever lived in

yah, Jakarta jugaa .. bosen yaa ?

a nickname i had

Kartika Pictures, Images and Photos
yepp! nama kebanggan gue yang amat sangat mahal

college major

masih bingung nih, tpi gue sih monya di sastra inggris
tpi bonyok nyuruh masuk jurusan komputer

name of my love

family Pictures, Images and Photos

a bad habbit

males mandi,palagi pas liburan mkanya gue msukin gmbar kmar mndi yg dicoret


drawing Pictures, Images and Photos

yepp!! hobi gue dari kecil n gk bisa dihilangkan!

1. Lulus UN dgn nilai yg amat sangat bagus supaya bisa masuk sma yg gue pilih
2. Lulus SMP UAS juga amat sangat bagus
3. Rata" rapot naik
4. Bisa ktemu ma smua pmain bola Arsenal FC
5. Beli treadmile
6. Menguatkan iman & masuk surga (amiin) ..

yg mo ambil pr ni silakan saja,
leave message di chattbox y ..


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