hey you guys!
i think it's gonna be my last posting blog for this month and for the next 3 months
it's all because i'll have a Nationality Test on April 27th - 30th 2009
Oh My God! it starts 3 months from now!!
oke, good bye, friends!
for the next month and the other months,
i wish i could give you some postings again ..
oh yeah, please pray for me to get luck on the national test!
thank you ..
Velkommen !
Welcome to my blog .
hvor du kan finde historier om min skøre oplevelser.
including my life in school, around my family and my friends
but none for my love story)
don't forget to enter the guest book in chatt box if you visit this and do link exchange .
enjoy ..
hvor du kan finde historier om min skøre oplevelser.
including my life in school, around my family and my friends
but none for my love story)
don't forget to enter the guest book in chatt box if you visit this and do link exchange .
enjoy ..
31 January 2009
30 January 2009
23 January 2009

1.sebutkan penyanyi top favorite mu?
hmmmm .. david archuleta aja de
2.apa arti emo menurut elo?
emo = alay! tpi ad jga sih yg nggk alay ato mndekati, pokonya yg freak lah
3.setuju kan kalo dangdut go international?
setuju banget! kn we'll be proud of it too
4.koleksi album yg kamu miliki ada berapa?
sangat minim, hanya 16
5.mengapa musik metal selalu teriak2?
emang udah kodrat .. zzz
6.sebarkan ke 7 orang!
siapa ya? siapa aja deh .. yg mau, lapor k guest book
hha .
gue di skolah, dimarahin melulu ma bimo
bimo : "ngpost dong, gk prnah ngpost"
gue: "hha .. iya deh maaf .. gue kn sibuk!"
tu pagi bgd pas bru dtg ke skola pas lwat dpan klas 99
hhahahaha .
sumpah, gue lg sibuk bgd nih, bimo
mungkin ampe UN yaa ..
hhe .
ini aja gue udah jarang bgd neh ngpost blog gue.. haduuuh!
pusing kpala gue udah ada PM sgala ..
gue di skolah, dimarahin melulu ma bimo
bimo : "ngpost dong, gk prnah ngpost"
gue: "hha .. iya deh maaf .. gue kn sibuk!"
tu pagi bgd pas bru dtg ke skola pas lwat dpan klas 99
hhahahaha .
sumpah, gue lg sibuk bgd nih, bimo
mungkin ampe UN yaa ..
hhe .
ini aja gue udah jarang bgd neh ngpost blog gue.. haduuuh!
pusing kpala gue udah ada PM sgala ..
16 January 2009
Happy birthday, Nicklas Bendtner!!
right here, right now you're already 21 years old!
great age! you're already mature

hhe .
i hope you'll be a great football player ever in your nationality team, Denmark (i love denmark) even for Arsenal .
yeaa .. and you'll be a great person in:
your family
your friends
your team mates
your room mates (?)
and God.
and all of your wishes can come true
and get a lotta trophies w/ Arsenal !!
right here, right now you're already 21 years old!
great age! you're already mature

hhe .
i hope you'll be a great football player ever in your nationality team, Denmark (i love denmark) even for Arsenal .
yeaa .. and you'll be a great person in:
your family
your friends
your team mates
your room mates (?)
and God.
and all of your wishes can come true
and get a lotta trophies w/ Arsenal !!
10 January 2009
kenapa fs gue niii ?
error! fs yang ble'ek apa internet gue yg begel ?!
huwaaaaaaaaaa ..
error! fs yang ble'ek apa internet gue yg begel ?!
huwaaaaaaaaaa ..
09 January 2009
hha. drpda bosen, mndingan ngrjain pr blog
pdhl aslinya kalo ngrjain pr skolah gue super duper males
hha! pr ini dari ocha lg . thx y uda kasih gue pr
The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answer. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer. Enjoy !

masih lama sih September, mkanya gue baru ulang taun september kmrn.
a place i'd like to travel

Caerphilly! pngen bgd ksana, yah walopun tu kota tua di Wales,
gue pngen bgd travelling ksna, ke kota jadul, kn experience ny jd seru n misterius!
n lgian ni kota klahiran nya Aaron
a favourite place

my official bedroom in my home! paling peweeeee ..
a favourite food

nasi goreng!! cuma makanan ini yang bisa bkin gue ngiler ..
mkanya tiap gue k restoran yg ive nver been there before, gue psti pesen nasi gorengnya dulu .. baru gue tau kalo restonya itu bagus! hha .
a favourite thing

komputer! w/out it, i dunno what'd happen to my life. it'd be shadow and sorrow. hha .
a favourite colour

it's black! warna hitam itu kren, palagi klo dicampur merah!!
a city (where) i was born

my beloved Jakarta
a city that u have ever lived in

yah, Jakarta jugaa .. bosen yaa ?
a nickname i had

yepp! nama kebanggan gue yang amat sangat mahal
college major

masih bingung nih, tpi gue sih monya di sastra inggris
tpi bonyok nyuruh masuk jurusan komputer
name of my love

a bad habbit

males mandi,palagi pas liburan mkanya gue msukin gmbar kmar mndi yg dicoret

yepp!! hobi gue dari kecil n gk bisa dihilangkan!
1. Lulus UN dgn nilai yg amat sangat bagus supaya bisa masuk sma yg gue pilih
2. Lulus SMP UAS juga amat sangat bagus
3. Rata" rapot naik
4. Bisa ktemu ma smua pmain bola Arsenal FC
5. Beli treadmile
6. Menguatkan iman & masuk surga (amiin) ..
yg mo ambil pr ni silakan saja,
leave message di chattbox y ..
pdhl aslinya kalo ngrjain pr skolah gue super duper males
hha! pr ini dari ocha lg . thx y uda kasih gue pr
The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answer. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer. Enjoy !
The Age of my next birthday

masih lama sih September, mkanya gue baru ulang taun september kmrn.
a place i'd like to travel

Caerphilly! pngen bgd ksana, yah walopun tu kota tua di Wales,
gue pngen bgd travelling ksna, ke kota jadul, kn experience ny jd seru n misterius!
n lgian ni kota klahiran nya Aaron
a favourite place

my official bedroom in my home! paling peweeeee ..
a favourite food

nasi goreng!! cuma makanan ini yang bisa bkin gue ngiler ..
mkanya tiap gue k restoran yg ive nver been there before, gue psti pesen nasi gorengnya dulu .. baru gue tau kalo restonya itu bagus! hha .
a favourite thing

komputer! w/out it, i dunno what'd happen to my life. it'd be shadow and sorrow. hha .
a favourite colour

it's black! warna hitam itu kren, palagi klo dicampur merah!!
a city (where) i was born

my beloved Jakarta
a city that u have ever lived in

yah, Jakarta jugaa .. bosen yaa ?
a nickname i had

yepp! nama kebanggan gue yang amat sangat mahal
college major

masih bingung nih, tpi gue sih monya di sastra inggris
tpi bonyok nyuruh masuk jurusan komputer
name of my love

a bad habbit

males mandi,palagi pas liburan mkanya gue msukin gmbar kmar mndi yg dicoret

yepp!! hobi gue dari kecil n gk bisa dihilangkan!
1. Lulus UN dgn nilai yg amat sangat bagus supaya bisa masuk sma yg gue pilih
2. Lulus SMP UAS juga amat sangat bagus
3. Rata" rapot naik
4. Bisa ktemu ma smua pmain bola Arsenal FC
5. Beli treadmile
6. Menguatkan iman & masuk surga (amiin) ..
yg mo ambil pr ni silakan saja,
leave message di chattbox y ..
Award ini dari ocha, makasih banget yaaa ..

Rules :
1. Each blogger must post this rules .
2. You need to choose ten people to be awarded and list their names .
3. Don't forget to leave them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog .
PE.ER nyaa :
1. ternyata hari ini..
just the same as the previous day ..
2. ternyata sekolah..
sama aja, ad males, ad sukanya
3. ternyata temen2 saya..
sehat walafiat
4. ternyata Arsenal..
can make me being such a freak and crazy !!
5. ternyata pcaran itu..
no answers
6. ternyata HTS itu..
same as no 5
7. ternyata semua cowo itu..
bukan cewek
8. ternyata semua cewe itu..
sama aja each person w/ the others
9. ternyata twilight itu..
give it a lotta applause
10. ternyata coklat itu..
sangat manis seperti saya (wuek)
11. ternyata hidup itu..
untuk ibadah
12. ternyata keberuntungan itu..
the things i rarely get
13. ternyata mencintaimu itu..
hha. bingung ..
14. ternyata menangis itu..
udah jarang saya lakukan
15. ternyata ibadah itu..
mempunyai kepuasan batin tersendiri, dan bkin jiwa adem ayem (?)
Repost pertanyaan ini (boleh diganti sesuka hati.. misal *ternyata makan itu....... ato ternyata minum itu.....) Jumlahnya bebas dan kalo bisa jawabannya yang sekreatif mungkin !
NB: oya, yg mo ambil award nih, ambil aja ya, tpi kalo ngmbil kasih tau gue lewat chattbox ya ..

Rules :
1. Each blogger must post this rules .
2. You need to choose ten people to be awarded and list their names .
3. Don't forget to leave them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog .
PE.ER nyaa :
1. ternyata hari ini..
just the same as the previous day ..
2. ternyata sekolah..
sama aja, ad males, ad sukanya
3. ternyata temen2 saya..
sehat walafiat
4. ternyata Arsenal..
can make me being such a freak and crazy !!
5. ternyata pcaran itu..
no answers
6. ternyata HTS itu..
same as no 5
7. ternyata semua cowo itu..
bukan cewek
8. ternyata semua cewe itu..
sama aja each person w/ the others
9. ternyata twilight itu..
give it a lotta applause
10. ternyata coklat itu..
sangat manis seperti saya (wuek)
11. ternyata hidup itu..
untuk ibadah
12. ternyata keberuntungan itu..
the things i rarely get
13. ternyata mencintaimu itu..
hha. bingung ..
14. ternyata menangis itu..
udah jarang saya lakukan
15. ternyata ibadah itu..
mempunyai kepuasan batin tersendiri, dan bkin jiwa adem ayem (?)
Repost pertanyaan ini (boleh diganti sesuka hati.. misal *ternyata makan itu....... ato ternyata minum itu.....) Jumlahnya bebas dan kalo bisa jawabannya yang sekreatif mungkin !
NB: oya, yg mo ambil award nih, ambil aja ya, tpi kalo ngmbil kasih tau gue lewat chattbox ya ..
03 January 2009
haduuuuuuuuuuhh ..
this is the biggest homework i've got to do !!
huaaaaaaaahhmm ..
gue si udah tanya ma tmen" gue
kbanyakan juga sih pdhal belom bikin
en dikumpulin tgl 20 januari
walopun masih lama, tpi psti kerasa nya bakal cpet
masalahnya, bllom ada ide nih
iya sih gue pcinta musik, tpi bukan org yg berperan membuat musik itu
hooooooooohh ,,
tunggu aja deh ide gue apa.
en kalo ada yang mau ngebantuin gue bkin lagu
juga enggak apa apa . hahahahaha!
this is the biggest homework i've got to do !!
huaaaaaaaahhmm ..
gue si udah tanya ma tmen" gue
kbanyakan juga sih pdhal belom bikin
en dikumpulin tgl 20 januari
walopun masih lama, tpi psti kerasa nya bakal cpet
masalahnya, bllom ada ide nih
iya sih gue pcinta musik, tpi bukan org yg berperan membuat musik itu
hooooooooohh ,,
tunggu aja deh ide gue apa.
en kalo ada yang mau ngebantuin gue bkin lagu
juga enggak apa apa . hahahahaha!
yaapp ..
kalo dilihat dari title posting-nya sih
emang ngebetein bgd yaa ..
betul skali
keadaan slama liburan ini enggak ada yang mengesankan
huh! nyebelin bgd !!
tiap hari gue cuman; ngeblogging, chatting, browsing, downloading, ma baca Flame Of Recca online
kalo mo baca flam of recca online juga, silahkan klik disini
iya sih, gue blom slese baca ..
gue baru baca ampe chapter 106 itupun, setengah aja belom ada
smuanya ada 329 chapters!!
banyak bgd
gue sih targetin paling enggak sebelum bulan" UN
hiiiiiiiiiii, kalo inget2 ngeri bgd ya UN itu ..
aduh daripada pusing" mikirin UN
mnding blogging ampe bosen aja deh!
abis tu baru belajar!!
gk kerasa gue udah klas IX, jadi gue harus kurangin smua hobi gue ini di dunia maya
kalo dilihat dari title posting-nya sih
emang ngebetein bgd yaa ..
betul skali
keadaan slama liburan ini enggak ada yang mengesankan
huh! nyebelin bgd !!
tiap hari gue cuman; ngeblogging, chatting, browsing, downloading, ma baca Flame Of Recca online
kalo mo baca flam of recca online juga, silahkan klik disini
iya sih, gue blom slese baca ..
gue baru baca ampe chapter 106 itupun, setengah aja belom ada
smuanya ada 329 chapters!!
banyak bgd
gue sih targetin paling enggak sebelum bulan" UN
hiiiiiiiiiii, kalo inget2 ngeri bgd ya UN itu ..
aduh daripada pusing" mikirin UN
mnding blogging ampe bosen aja deh!
abis tu baru belajar!!
gk kerasa gue udah klas IX, jadi gue harus kurangin smua hobi gue ini di dunia maya
02 January 2009
Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám, Karel Abraham
on January 2nd you're about 18th years old
just like Aaron Ramsey

i hope you'll be a great rider .
and be the legend too
but before, you have to up to the MotoGP class
i just hope you'll get successfull there .
don't forget to visit : Karel Abraham's Official Website
thx for visiting my blog
and reading this posting blog .
special birthday greetings from me to Karel
on January 2nd you're about 18th years old
just like Aaron Ramsey

i hope you'll be a great rider .
and be the legend too
but before, you have to up to the MotoGP class
i just hope you'll get successfull there .
don't forget to visit : Karel Abraham's Official Website
thx for visiting my blog
and reading this posting blog .
special birthday greetings from me to Karel
01 January 2009
Everything's just happened this 2008
We've been thought that we could've fixed it ..
But actually we couldn't!
But, we can and have to make a new better hope and wish for this 2009
and ..
if it doesnt kill you,
it makes you strong, man!
Happy New Year 2009, everyone!
I hope we'll get a better new life ..
than 2008 .
and i hope all my wishes can come true somehow and someday ..
amiiiin .
what r my wishes?
i couldnt tell you my wishes, could i ??
it's my right, hha ..
We've been thought that we could've fixed it ..
But actually we couldn't!
But, we can and have to make a new better hope and wish for this 2009
and ..
if it doesnt kill you,
it makes you strong, man!
Happy New Year 2009, everyone!
I hope we'll get a better new life ..
than 2008 .
and i hope all my wishes can come true somehow and someday ..
amiiiin .
what r my wishes?
i couldnt tell you my wishes, could i ??
it's my right, hha ..
1 AND 100
yaaah ..
what's meaning of my title posting blog ?
you're right !
itu maksudnya:
1 = it means that its the 1st day in 2009, this year!!
then, for 100 = it's my 100th posting blog !!
congratz, congratz !!
im gonna make a party !! (kidding)
hhe ..
i am so happy right now !
yeah, ive got this far on my blogging career (lebay)
hha .
just pray for my succesfull career blogging, guys.
i hope this blog could make me get a better life
amin ..
what's meaning of my title posting blog ?
you're right !
itu maksudnya:
1 = it means that its the 1st day in 2009, this year!!
then, for 100 = it's my 100th posting blog !!
congratz, congratz !!
im gonna make a party !! (kidding)
hhe ..
i am so happy right now !
yeah, ive got this far on my blogging career (lebay)
hha .
just pray for my succesfull career blogging, guys.
i hope this blog could make me get a better life
amin ..
on January 1st ..
you're already 16th years old, Jack Wilshere !
and the day's same as New Year 2009 !!
and my 99th posting blog .. hhe .

yayayaya ..
happy bday, ya Jack!
be a good boy there !
i know you're young
and you might be called as a kid
but dont be weack when you're the youngest of all
i know you'll be a great star footballer
ya, i know you're always in subtitutions
just wait for the time
okay Jack ??
and don't forget to God
and your beloved family
that always supports you ..
Gbu .
you're already 16th years old, Jack Wilshere !
and the day's same as New Year 2009 !!
and my 99th posting blog .. hhe .

yayayaya ..
happy bday, ya Jack!
be a good boy there !
i know you're young
and you might be called as a kid
but dont be weack when you're the youngest of all
i know you'll be a great star footballer
ya, i know you're always in subtitutions
just wait for the time
okay Jack ??
and don't forget to God
and your beloved family
that always supports you ..
Gbu .
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